Arlington EATS Snacks at Bishop School

Research shows that students who are consistently hungry are more likely to have developmental and educational issues. Giving kids snacks allows them to concentrate on learning - not on their hunger. The snack program at our school, supported by Arlington EATS, makes sure that kids have access to nourishing snacks throughout the school day. Our goal is to provide snacks to any child who needs one so that there is no stigma attached to being hungry. With this as our guiding principle, we know we will feed kids who simply forgot their snack, are growing, are extra hungry or are from a family that is simply struggling to put food on the table. Once they have enough to eat, then they can get back to the work of being a student. 

With that in mind, we ask that if you can afford snacks, that you provide them for your child knowing that if you forget one day, we have you covered! If you find your child is ignoring the snack you send from home, take a minute to explain to them that those snacks are only if they forgot theirs or are extra hungry. Additionally, if you have the ability, we ask that you help support our snack program so that we can always have enough for all children.

This year, for safety reasons, all snacks will be held by classroom teachers. Each teacher will have their own covered snack pack that will be replenished as needed. 

How you can help:

  • Purchase pre-approved snacks through our Amazon Snack Wish List (items will be sent directly to Bishop)
  • Volunteer to be a parent snack coordinator

Due to safety concerns and logistics, we will not be offering perishable snacks or fruit this year.

* We are keeping the snack list very simple and focusing on a pre-approved snack list. If we offer snacks that are too enticing, then kids will skip their snacks from home and eat what we offer, so we suggest you stick with the basics too. 

Our Snack Ambassador at Bishop is: Marisa Silveri. Please contact her at for more information, or if you want to volunteer to help!

Thank you for helping to keep ALL our Bishop Bears fed!
For more information about Arlington EATS, visit: